Nov 23, 2022 · ANSWER KEY Physical Education (Session 2022-23) Q.NO. ANSWER MARKS DISTRIBUTION (SECTION A) 1. d) Dhanurasana For visually impaired c) Vajrasana 1 2. d) Openness 1 3. b) Dynamic Equilibrium 1 4. b) Red 1 5. b) Iso-tonic 1 6. a) Explosive strength 1 7. a) Oxygen Uptake 1 8. b) Mass 1 9. ... Page 1 Page 1 of 6 SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) SESSION (2022-23) TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS MAX. MARKS: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. ... Sample Question Paper COMMON PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2022-23 CLASS: XII Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) ANSWER KEY/MARKING SCHEME Q. No. ANSWER MARKS DISTRIBUTION 1 (a) Camel pose 1 2 (b) Social character 1 3 (d) Law of action reaction 1 4 (b) Transverse fracture 1 5 (a) Isometric 1 6 (b) Short term endurance 1 ... Dec 29, 2023 · SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) SESSION (2022-23) TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS MAX. MARKS: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory. ... This document is a sample question paper for Physical Education. It consists of 5 sections with a total of 37 questions. Section A contains 18 multiple choice questions worth 1 mark each. Section B contains 5 short answer questions worth 2 marks each. Section C contains 5 short answer questions worth 3 marks each. Section D contains 3 case studies worth 4 marks each with internal choice ... ... Sample Question Paper COMMON PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2022-23 CLASS: XII Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) Date: TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS. MAX. MARKS: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. 2) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are ... Oct 15, 2022 · Page 1 of 6 SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) SESSION (2022-23) TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS MAX. MARKS: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. 2) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory. ... May 2, 2023 · Sample Question Paper COMMON PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2022-23 Subject: HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) Date: General Instructions: 1) 1 The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. 2) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory. ... 1. The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. 2. Section A consists of questions 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and are multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory. 3.Section B consists of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer type and should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any 5. 4. ... ">

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Sample question paper, physical education (048), session (2022-23), time allowed: 3 hrs max. marks: 70, general instructions:.

  • The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions.
  • Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory.
  • Sections B consist of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer types and should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any 5.
  • Sections C consist of Question 25-30 carrying 3 marks each and are short answer types and should not exceed 100-150 words. Attempt any 5.
  • Sections D consist of Question 31-33 carrying 4 marks each and are case studies. There is internal choice available.
  • Section E consists of Question 34-37 carrying 5 marks each and are short answer types and should not exceed 200-300 words. Attempt any 3. (SECTION -A) Q1. Identify the asana:

a) Paschimottanasana b) Halasana c) Vajrasana d) Dhanurasana (Question for visually impaired) Which asana amongst these can be done just after having meals? a) Bhujangasana b) Dhanurasana c) Vajrasana d) Ardhmatsyendrasana Q2. A person who likes to learn new things, new concepts and new experiences are categorized as ____________. a) Agreeableness b) Extroversion c) Conscientiousness d) Openness Q3. Cartwheel in gymnastics is an example of _______________ a) Static Equilibrium b) Dynamic Equilibrium c) Active Equilibrium d) Passive Equilibrium

Q4. Slow twitch fibres are ____________ in colour. a) White b) Red c) Transparent d) Brown Q5. Jumping on the spot is an example of _______________ a) Iso-metric b) Iso-tonic c) Iso-kinetic d) Iso-kinesthetic Q6. Take-off in Long jump is an example of _______________ strength. a) Explosive strength b) Maximum strength c) Strength endurance d) Static strength Q7.. The amount of oxygen which can be absorbed and consumed by the working muscles from the blood is called __________________ a) Oxygen Uptake b) Oxygen Intake c) Oxygen Transport d) Vital capacity Q8. In Law of Acceleration, acceleration of an object is inversely proportionate to its

a) Force b) Mass c) Speed d) Size *Q9. Given below are the two statements labeled Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Assertion: Intrinsic motivation has long term benefits. Reason: As factors behind it are naturally pursuing actions that provide fun, pleasure, fulfillment or challenge In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct? a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). c) (A) is true, but (R) is false. d) (A) is false, but (R) is true Q10. Carbohydrates which are soluble in water and crystalline in structure. a) Simple b) Complex c) Compound d) Complicated Q11. Which amongst these is not a micro mineral? a) Iodine b) Magnesium c) Iron d) Copper


Q19. List down any four effects of exercise on the muscular system. (0*4)

Q20 down any four benefits of self talk by athletes in sports (0*4)

Q21. List down any four advantages of fartlek training method. (0*4)

Q22. Explain any two types of soft tissue injuries with help of examples. (0*4)

Q23. Write down the objectives and administration of the flamingo test. (1+1)

*Q24. What should be the basic nutrient in a weightlifter’s diet and why? (1+1)


*Q25 a mind map including any six advantages of physical activities for children

with special needs. (0=3)

Q26. What are carbohydrates? Differentiate between its types. {1+ (0*4)}

Q27. Define bye. Explain the rules of giving bye with help of an example. (1+2)

*Q28. Make a table explaining any three personalities from Big five theory and their

characteristics. (1+1+1) Q29.. Explain any three physiological factors determining strength. (1+1+1)

Q30. What is the meaning of female athletes Triad? Explain any two in brief. (1+ 2)


On the basis of above given fixture answer the following questions: (4X1=4)

a) total number of matches in 2nd round are ________

b) What is the formula for calculating the total number of matches?

c) The fourth round in this case can also be called as_______________

d) What is the formula for calculating the number of byes OR The formula for calculating number of rounds is __________ (Question for visually impaired)

List down any four committees working during conduct of a competition and briefly explain their role.

Q32. The teachers as well as coaches always make their best efforts to improve the

performance of their students in various competitive games and sports. They can help to

improve the performance of students if they have adequate knowledge of biomechanics.

a) The more force one exerts on the downward bounce, the higher the ball bounces into the air. Which law is this statement being referred to? b) Among the above given pictures, Newton’s 3rd law is depicted in________ c) Newton’s second law is also known as____________________ d) The study of human body and various forces acting on it is___________ OR A high jumper can jump higher off a solid surface because it opposes his or her body with as much force as he or she is able to generate. This example refers to which law of motion?

(Question for visually impaired)

What is equilibrium? Explain its types along with the factors increasing equilibrium. (1+4)

Q33. In relation to the pictures, answer the following questions.

a. What is the mission of the first organization?

b. What is the Motto of the first organization? c. Until 1965 the games in the second picture were known as _______

d. Second picture games are conducted after every __________years.

(Question for visually impaired) Write a brief note on Paralympics including its origin, describing the various categories and criteria..

  • Multiple Choice

Course : Journalism

University : asian college of journalism.

sample question paper physical education (048) session (2022 23) solution

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    sample question paper physical education (048) session (2022 23) solution



    1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. 2) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory. 3) Sections B consist of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer types and should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any 5.

  2. ANSWER KEY Physical Education (Session 2022-23) (SECTION A ...

    Nov 23, 2022 · ANSWER KEY Physical Education (Session 2022-23) Q.NO. ANSWER MARKS DISTRIBUTION (SECTION A) 1. d) Dhanurasana For visually impaired c) Vajrasana 1 2. d) Openness 1 3. b) Dynamic Equilibrium 1 4. b) Red 1 5. b) Iso-tonic 1 6. a) Explosive strength 1 7. a) Oxygen Uptake 1 8. b) Mass 1 9.

  3. CBSE Sample Question Paper (2022-2023) | Physical Education ...

    Page 1 Page 1 of 6 SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) SESSION (2022-23) TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS MAX. MARKS: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions.

  4. Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) -

    Sample Question Paper COMMON PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2022-23 CLASS: XII Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) ANSWER KEY/MARKING SCHEME Q. No. ANSWER MARKS DISTRIBUTION 1 (a) Camel pose 1 2 (b) Social character 1 3 (d) Law of action reaction 1 4 (b) Transverse fracture 1 5 (a) Isometric 1 6 (b) Short term endurance 1

  5. Physical Education-SQP - SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER ... - Studocu

    Dec 29, 2023 · SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) SESSION (2022-23) TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS MAX. MARKS: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory.

  6. Sample Question Paper Physical Education (048) SESSION (2022 ...

    This document is a sample question paper for Physical Education. It consists of 5 sections with a total of 37 questions. Section A contains 18 multiple choice questions worth 1 mark each. Section B contains 5 short answer questions worth 2 marks each. Section C contains 5 short answer questions worth 3 marks each. Section D contains 3 case studies worth 4 marks each with internal choice ...

  7. Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) -

    Sample Question Paper COMMON PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2022-23 CLASS: XII Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) Date: TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS. MAX. MARKS: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. 2) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are


    Oct 15, 2022 · Page 1 of 6 SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) SESSION (2022-23) TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS MAX. MARKS: 70 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. 2) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory.


    May 2, 2023 · Sample Question Paper COMMON PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2022-23 Subject: HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) Date: General Instructions: 1) 1 The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. 2) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory.

  10. SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER (2022-23) (With Solutions) Class XII ...

    1. The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions. 2. Section A consists of questions 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and are multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory. 3.Section B consists of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer type and should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any 5. 4.