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Creative Writing- The Tsunami
Creative Writing- The Tsunami
The tides came crashing through, eliminating everything that came in their way. We were like little ants scurrying around looking for our home, a shelter, anything that would protect us from the savage tide that wanted to wipe us off of the face of the earth. It was too late for the people on the beach; they had already been taken prisoner, drowned forever in their tears of sorrow and fear.
It didn’t feel like it would be much longer before I was shackled and chained up as well. I felt like I had been running for hours, I wouldn’t have been able to keep it up for much longer. The tide just kept coming and there was nothing powerful enough to stop it. What about God? What about The Almighty One that I had been praying to for all these years? This would’ve been a great time for Him to make an entrance. I began to feel the water around my ankles. They were trying to clasp me… trying to imprison me for eternity. It felt like it was over for me, time to give up and hand myself in… but for what? I mean I hadn’t done anything wrong and I’ve still got my whole life ahead of me. I wasn’t about to give in just yet, and luckily God just made His entrance. I could hear the tide slowing down behind me, but it wasn’t over yet though. I could see a rising shadow going on for at least two hundred yards ahead of me, I turned around with apprehension and looked it in the eye. It looked back snarling, the blue, translucent wave crashed on top of me.
I woke up squinting; the light was penetrating my eye. I stood up and found myself naked in the middle of the Sri Lankan jungle. Was it Sri Lanka? Or was it heaven? Last thing I remember was me knocked out after something hit me. Was it a fist? Was it a bus? I hadn’t a clue. I guess this must be heaven. Wow, I would never have thought I’d die at the age of sixteen. Well at least I don’t have to go to school tomorrow!
I searched around the Garden of Eden; there was no shortage of sweet coconuts or juicy mangos, but where was everyone else? Could this be hell and not heaven? I mean hell doesn’t necessarily have to be a fiery cave where there’s a guy in a red cape prodding you with his trident. I heard about this sort of thing, my mum told me. She said hell is your worst nightmare, you may not even know what it is, but it is your worst nightmare. My heart began to beat faster, what if this is hell? What if I’m never going to see my parent’s again? I began to run. I don’t know where I was running to, but I just had to get out of this place. ‘Garden of Eden’! What was I thinking?
It began to get dark and I was still naked without a single cloth to cover my shame. I was cold and frightened so I used the large palm leaves to keep myself warm over the night.
I woke up, still distraught. ‘He’s over here! I found him! He’s over here!’ announced a dirty, scruffy man strapped with an AK-47. Confused and afraid I began to back off as he tried to come nearer. I drew further away as he drew nearer. Another man came up behind me and another two had me from the sides… I was surrounded.
This is a preview of the whole essay
They began to snarl and snigger, telling me I had nowhere to hide. One of them drew nearer not knowing that I was aware of him, he tried to pounce and that’s when I made a break for it. He came up from behind and tried to grab me into a headlock, I spun around leaving him head first in the dirt and just ran. The others, after tending to their partner, began to chase me. They had no chance of catching me. I was young, fit and scared out of my wits…I ran for my life.
Once establishing they had no chance of catching me they began to shoot. Four or five whizzed passed my shoulder until one hit me in the leg. It pierced my left leg ripped through my muscle and came out through the front. I hit the ground pretty hard and banged my head against a blunt rock that was ‘conveniently’ right where my head was.
I was knocked out again and woke up in a cell, this time I was dressed. One of the guys from earlier was rattling the cell bars to wake everyone up. Someone opened my cell door and began to walk towards me, I was still frightened and huddled myself in a corner. He violently grabbed me by my hair and threw me out of the cell. There were other prisoners there, some that I’m positive I recognised from before I got knocked out and ended up in the jungle. What on earth was going on? Was this really hell?
The guard who dragged me by the hair asked me what was wrong with me. I had a million things wrong with me, I didn’t know where to begin. Instead I just kept quiet and unwillingly got into the line.
We marched to the showers outside. For some reason I was hesitant to get into the showers, I just felt like there was a danger or something when it came to water. The guards arrived soon and I was forced to take a shower. I wasn’t about to try and find out what would happen if I didn’t. After the shower, we were taken to some sort of boot camp. There was an assault course, rifle shooting, everything, as though we were some kind of trainee army. There were no women here it was just men. The ages ranged from about twelve to forty. We were being treated like dogs, we had to complete the assault course fifteen times within a time limit, or otherwise they would shoot us in the foot. I didn’t know what was going on, but I decided that I was just going to do as I was told.
I saw one of the younger kid’s he was about thirteen years old with short hair, he was struggling a lot with the course and began to lose his breath. He fell at the second to last hurdle and everyone began to over take him. I looked over to the guards… they noticed him. One of the guards came rushing over, swearing at the boy and lifted the boy by his ear. The boy began to whimper as the guard threw countless slaps across the boy’s face. The guard took the boy into the jungle… every one stopped when they began to hear the boy wailing and crying out for help. The boy came out whimpering, holding on to his falling trousers as he ran in to the toilets. The guard came out a few seconds after with a satisfied smirk on his face, tucking his shirt in to his trousers. Everyone glared at the guard with the most piercing of looks. The guard, tense and somewhat frightened, shot his rifle in the air and yelled at everyone to get back to what they were doing.
I was first to finish the assault course and I asked if I could go to the toilet. The guard said ‘be quick’. When I got to the toilet I heard whimpering, it was the young boy. I found him curled up inside one of the cubicles. He told me to go away when I asked him what happened in the jungle.
“I’m only here to help, I won’t tell anyone… what happened?”
“As if you don’t know”
He replied in a shuddering voice. I asked him his name, he replied ‘Bhavan’. I asked Bhavan how he got here. He gave me a weird look and replied ‘You know very well how I got here you bastard, leave me alone!’ I didn’t know what I had done to make him so angry with me.
“Look here’s the deal, I woke up yesterday in the middle of that jungle, and some men chased me then shot me. I woke up this morning in the cell without a clue where I am, what I’m doing here, who these people are, or how I’m going to get out of here! Now can you help me with any of these question’s or not?”
“You’re that boy aren’t you?”
“You’re that boy, the one that survived the tsunami”
“What tsu-…”
That’s when it hit me I began to remember everything. I was out with my family; my mum, my dad and my little sister. We were on our way to the beach, but mum forgot the sun tan lotion and
I had to go back home and get it. When I got home I went upstairs to check in mum and dad’s bedroom. I couldn’t find it so I came back downstairs and saw it in the living room on the coffee table. I went to retrieve it… when I heard screams, very loud screams.
I rushed out side to see what it was. I saw an army of people, including my parents and my little sister, running towards me screaming and yelling for help. Still I was unsure what they were running away from and suddenly out of nowhere a gargantuan tidal wave washed them clean away. Shocked and unbelieving I stood there for at least another minute rubbing my eyes in disbelief. I saw another wave heading my way. I ran and I ran but the wave got me too. But…I didn’t die. Someone…those guards they rescued me. They took my body before the water back flowed in to the ocean. Once I’d regained consciousness…. that guard… the one that took Bhavan into the jungle, I remember him whispering some thing in my ear as I woke up. He told me he’d be gentle. He said to be quiet. He said this was our little secret. I looked around and we were…we were naked? Confused and frightened I stood up shocked. He asked me to calm down and when I refused, we got into a bit of a fight, and then he injected me with something; a sleepy drug that knocks you out and erases your memory or something. Before the drug got to its full effect I managed to break free of his grasp and made a run for it to the jungle. Then those guards shot at me and I woke up here.
When I told Bhavan all of this his face looked as though it had just seen a ghost. Bhavan told me that these ‘soldiers’ were the ‘Tamil Tigers’ a rebel gang that wanted to overtake the Sri Lankan government. They were recruiting young orphans and those who have nothing to lose to fight for them. The guard that raped Bhavan and I was General Gander, he ran this place. He was behind so many attacks on civilians in Sri Lanka. As Bhavan told me all this I became shocked and enraged, I was absolutely fuming, I needed to do something, I had to get back at General Gander for what he’d done.
That night I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t stop thinking about my family…well at least they were together. I started to reminisce all the good times I used to have with my family. All of the joyous moments we shared together, like that time when we went to India and that monkey was following us everywhere, he stole Suzie’s lunch.
I couldn’t take it any more! What was the use in me living!? I don’t believe in a single thing that these ‘rebels’ were fighting for. And that General Gander… I wanted to murder him!
The next morning I awoke sharp and alert, the perfect soldier, only spoke when spoken to, best at the rifle shooting, didn’t make eye contact with anyone… Then he arrived.
That sadistic monster crawled out of his hole and came out to inspect the rifle shooting. Bhavan was shooting about ten yards away and there were four people between us. Bhavan began to shake and shiver, he couldn’t even hold his rifle upright when Gander arrived. Bhavan was next to be inspected and he started to whimper again. Gander waltzed up behind with a smirk. He grasped a hold of Bhavan’s buttocks and whispered something in his ear. Bhavan began to shiver and shake so much that his knees turned to jelly and he couldn’t even stand up. The poor boy wet his pants and was standing in a puddle of his own urine. A few of the guards and some of the other younger prisoners began to laugh at him. Gander didn’t have a clue what was going to happen when he got to me.
He was done with the guy beside me then he came over to me. This was it, this was my chance to kill him and no way was I about to hesitate. Gander didn’t recognise me I kept my face forward and he stood behind me. He wrote a few things on his clipboard then moved on.
I grabbed Gander from behind. I locked my right arm around his neck and held my rifle to his head. All the guards raised their AK-47’s and aimed them straight at me. They kept shouting at me to put the gun down. Why couldn’t I pull the trigger? I’d been planning this all day and night.
I failed… I couldn’t pull the trigger… I don’t know what happened. The need I had for Gander’s blood was lost and as I loosened my grip around Gander’s neck he was able to escape and shouted;
“Cuff up this Bastard!”
The soldiers beat me to my knees in front of everyone. They held me still and pulled my head back from my hair as Gander reached for his pistol.
“Let this be a lesson to all of you, if you think you can take me this is what happens!”
As he was cocking his pistol he aimed it directly at my throat. It was the end for me, I had my chance and I blew it. Everyone stood anxious and nervous to see if he was really going to shoot.
I opened my eyes and I was still there. I had no wounds, no blood was pouring out of the back of my head. I was still alive. Gander collapsed to the ground a clean bullet hole went straight through his head. Behind him stood Bhavan still shivering and whimpering this time his hands clasped a smoking rifle that was aimed directly at Gander’s head.
The guards didn’t know what to do. They were shocked, still holding my hair. I stood up and pushed them aside. All the prisoners, armed with rifles. We stood side by side facing the weak and vulnerable guards. One of the guards reached for his weapon, and then we just started firing. We shot and shot at them until the end of our magazines.
We were free, no more Gander, no more guards. The prisoners began to dance and hoololate.
“We are free!”
One man shouted. I still didn’t feel free… I thought the death of Gander would bring me joy and happiness. I ran to the jungle. Once I got there I just started to run and run some more, in no particular direction, just until the day comes that I may join my parents and my little sister.
Document Details
- Word Count 2700
- Page Count 4
- Subject English
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Creative writing, financial tsunami, creative writing.
- Writing About
- Tips For Writers
May 09, 2016
Writing about: a tsunami.
When I set out to write this post, a million things flooded my brain, and then my mind went blank. I’ve come to the conclusion that this post is the most difficult one I’ve EVER had to write in the three years I’ve done this Writing About feature on my blog. Because of that, I’m abandoning my normal format of 5-10 pointers with detailed descriptions for each. Instead, I’ve constructed a list of things to remember.
Keep in mind this is for a devastating tsunami:
- Flocks of birds fly away from the shore (away from the wave).
- A rumbling sound in the air and all around.
- A blast of wind and mist.
- The wave approaches like a massive (40-50 foot) wave on the shore but with impeccable speed and surprising force.
- People caught in the wave are twisted round and round.
- Objects hit them in the water.
- They struggle to reach the surface and keep their head above the water.
- It’s almost impossible to hold their breath.
- If they survive the initial impact and don’t drown, many try to grab onto something. Anything.
- The water rushes them inland (most can travel for one mile).
- The wave is so strong that it can lift vehicles, toss boats, tear apart houses, and even uproot trees.
- There’s usually more than one wave in a tsunami and the first isn’t even the biggest.
- After sometime, the movement slows, stops, and then reverses. This is when people and debris get carried out to sea.
- Debris will be everywhere. The ground will be muddy and flooded in some places.
- Survivors will have injuries (bruises, cuts, deep gashes, broken bones, etc.)
- Some survivors are either naked or missing articles of clothing because the water ripped it off their bodies.
- Getting to safety and higher ground is the #1 goal along with finding loved ones they may never see again.
- When aid arrives, helicopters will be flying over, people will be searching for survivors and the dead, and supplies will be coming in, such as food, water, and blankets.
- Most people will go to shelters and the hospital for treatment and to search for loved ones.
- It takes many years for places hit by a massive tsunami to get back to normal, and even then it will never be like it once was. Same can be said for the survivors.
I recommend watching The Impossible about the tsunami that hit Thailand in 2004 and reading true accounts from tsunami survivors. But also to do a lot of research about tsunamis and the setting of your story to understand what would happen if a tsunami struck that specific location.
QUESTION: Have you see the movie THE IMPOSSIBLE? What do you think about the disaster for Book 3 being a tsunami?
Congrats on sending the third book to your publisher! That's exciting! I didn't really know all that much about tsunamis. They sound very scary.
Thank you! Tsunamis are scary. They're the scariest disaster I've written about so far.
This was wonderful to read, I thankful we don't get Tsunami's here, what havoc it causes. I wish you all the best with the publisher. Enjoy your week. Yvonne.
I'm thankful too, but you never know where one could be triggered. Thank you! :)
Fascinated by tsunamis and terrified by them. Never seen Impossible but was amazed by experiences of survivors of Japanese tsunami after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Congratulations on next great step with Book 3.
Fascinated and terrified. Yup, that's the perfect way to describe it for me too. The survivors stories are amazing. What they went through inspired my story. Thank you!
When we moved to the coast when I was nine, I had a lot of tsunami nightmares... There is an Indonesian author (I have my books of him in my office) that has written about tsunamis. It would be a good introduction. Also, in the 2004 disaster, there was a train caught in the wave in Sri Lanka and everyone drown as it was rolled around. I think the same thing happened in the Japanese disaster of 2010. Remember, before the waves (it isn't one wave) hits, the water is sucked out
I could understand a child having nightmares of tsunamis. I used to have a lot of fires and tornadoes because of living in Florida. I see do.
You picked an interesting disaster and one that had been in the news. With all the seismic activity lately, we might get more disasters.
Yes. It was very strange that the day Seismic Crimes came out the earthquake happened in Ecuador. It was a 7.8 quake and in my book it's a 7.4. :\
Hi Chrys ... I sincerely hope I don't have to be in a Tsunami - it must have been terrifying for everyone ... not a good experience ... Hilary
I don't think I'd be able to survive one, especially since I can't really swim.
How cool with your third in the series; hope the publisher likes it! I just hope I never end up in a tsunami. We would have tsunami warnings along some beaches in San Diego area after earthquakes; not much ever came out of them though, of which I'm grateful. betty
I hope so too! I feel this is the best story yet for my series. I've heard about tsunami warnings on the coast and the waves are pretty small. I hope they stay that way!
Congrats on the sendoff. I am excited to see what you do with the tsunami and enjoyed the post. I loved Hurricane Crimes and am eager to follow the series to the end. :-) sherry @ fundinmental
Thank you! It'll be about 3 months before I hear back. I'll have to keep busy in the meantime. Thank you, Sherry! :D
That huge wave looks horrifying. Congrats on Seismic Crimes, Chrys. Great post. Thank you!
Thank you, Nicola!
Tsunami sounds like an interesting disaster to have in a story. Good luck with it. My fingers are crossed your publisher likes it.
I hope my publisher likes it too. I feel strongly that this is the best one so far.
Just reading your description of a Tsunami scares me. It strikes fear in my heart. The images are frightening! That said, I think it makes a great backdrop for a disaster crime story. I would be overwhelmed to attempt writing about the event itself. I saw The Impossible and it was hard to watch! It was very well done and the special effects were amazing. Apparently the actors spent several hours in tanks for underwater scenes. It must have been a trying movie to film for them.
I actually found it so easy to write about. It was easier than the earthquake and the disaster I'm currently writing for Book 4. The Impossible was incredibly done. Shocking and scary and amazing.
Never seen that movie. But after reading those I hope I never ever get caught in a tsunami
I hope I never do either.
Excellent points for something that is from nature and so devastating. I can't hold my breath for 30 seconds never mind 3 minutes like some survivors did. I would have drowned for sure. Of course, I have seen The Impossible and actually own the DVD. It is a riveting film that is based on a true story except the family was Spanish.
I would drown too. I can barely swim as it is. I want to own The Impossible on DVD. It's a very good movie.
Book three! Very awesome. There are so many videos and images from the one that hit Japan a few years ago as well. Some were really chilling.
I never saw the real footage. Well, other than what might have been shared on the news.
Awesome title! I haven't seen that particular film, but I've watched shows about tsunamis on PBS and the science channel. So scary.
Thanks! It is scary.
Congrats on the latest manuscript in the series! 😄 I've never seen the movie The Impossible but have seen San Andreas and 2012 which features tsunami scenes. Even though it's special effects, it still takes my breath away to see that giant wall of water moving towards you with every intent to crush, rip and drown everything in its path.
Thank you, Lidy! :D I haven't seen San Andreas, but I want to. It is amazing how real that make it look. I always get scared watching those big waves. Like on Deep Impact. Oh, chills.
What a great list of specifics! I can almost read those scenes right now.
Awesome. :)
Congratulations on your new book! I hope I never personally experience a tsunami, or anything similar like a flood or monsoon. The worst disasters we have in Upstate NY are blizzards, with the occasional experience of being on the mild receiving end of a hurricane or earthquake.
Thank you, Carrie-Anne! I hope I never experience one in real life, too. It was enough to write about it.
The photos make me glad I live in Arizona! Tsunamis make our monsoons looks like April showers;-) If your book is as good (and I'm sure it is) as your outline, you have another winner! Way to go:-)
Haha. I think you're safe in Arizona. I truly feel that it's the best one of the series.
Great advice and tips Chrys. Thanks for sharing.
You're welcome! :)
Wow! Your Tsunami descriptions had me tensing and breathing harder. Good job!
Thank you! Now just imagine reading my scenes. ;)
Great! Visited from @CazsBooks Twitter http://cazgreenham.blogspot.com
Thanks for visiting, Caz.
It's scary enough watching a tsunamis on a video or in a movie. I can't even imagine how horrifying it would be to be stuck in the middle on one. Loved all your descriptions. You've certainly done your research.
It was pretty scary just putting my mind there to write about what happens to my characters.
I can't even imagine the devastation it would cause to actually be there during a Tsunami.
It is pretty unimaginable.
Very scary. We had a tsunami warning once, and the kiddos at school freaked out. I reminded them that we were several miles inland and unlikely to be affected.
I can imagine how scared the kids were. I remember having tornado warnings in school.
A tsunami is such a devastating disaster, so many lives are lost. I hope everything gets approved for your next book!
It really is devastating. The aftermath in my book is astonishing, because it's like that in real life.
I love the idea of using a tsunami as the disaster. It's crazy how much research has to go in to every detail when writing a book.
So much research, especially for something like this.
This is a great idea. I haven't seen The Impossible, but now I really want to. I also remember hearing/reading that the water recedes a lot before the tsunami hits. These things are terrifying.
The Impossible is an amazing movie. Shocking and scary, but amazing. Yes, the water does rush out to meet the approaching wave. I don't like imagining what would happen to the people in the water at the time, or on the beach.
Your level of research is great. It's hard to imagine many things more terrifying than a tsunami. Congrats on the manuscript!
I truly can't imagine a more devastating natural disaster. Thanks, Nick!
Congrats on getting Tsunami Crimes to your publisher! Those pictures look horrifying. I can't even imagine being in the middle of such a natural disaster (knock on wood).
Thank you, Qaunie! :D It was hard to imagine it for my book.
Congrats on the new book. I think tsunami's are just crazy scary. I'm so glad I don't live near the water anymore.
It's not out yet. I still have to wait for my publisher to say they want it. *fingers crossed*
Congrats! A tsunami would be terrifying. Where do you go?
You really can't do anything to escape them. If there's a warning system, it might give you enough time to get to higher ground, further inland.
Congrats on the new book. Tsunamis scare me.
Tsunamis scare me too.
Yes I can finally comment! Yesterday I kept getting a 502 error. Anyway, congrats Chrys and I'm glad I don't live near the ocean. Still I live on an island so...
502 error? Yikes! I'm glad it's gone now. lol I live in Florida. I'm not close to the coast, but it's still scary thinking about.
I've never been through any disasters but my town was hit by a tornado. I heard the howling wind and the torrential rains but I was so tired that I put the covers over my head and went to sleep. The next morning my balcony looked like someone had thrown all my stuff around, pots were broken with flowers strewn all over. I went out to the parking lot to find tree limbs all over. Three blocks down the street it was total devastation. I was so fortunate as was my town that no lives were lost.
A tornado is frightening. I think that is one disaster I won't include in my series. Thank you for telling me about your experience, Linda! I got chills.
Cool! A third book. I love the theme for your third book, mostly because I think a Tsunami would be one of the worst ways to die or experience. That feeling of devastation along with feeling like losing someone at the same time can be Earth shattering. I'm sure this will be a great read.
I also believe the tsunami is the worst disaster. There is so much destruction and so many deaths because of it in Tsunami Crimes.
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Write the News: Tsunami
Raising Awareness About Tsunamis Through Creative Writing.
Tsunamis are natural disasters that can cause significant damage and loss of life. These giant waves are often triggered by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, and they can travel across entire oceans at high speeds. When a tsunami reaches the shoreline, it can cause flooding, destruction of buildings and infrastructure, and loss of life.
Help your students learn about this natural disaster by having them write their own news articles about tsunamis. This activity can help them to research the topic, understand the impact of tsunamis, and develop their writing skills.
Let's get started!
Printable & Activity Objectives
In this activity, your child will learn and research about tsunamis through a creative exercise of writing a news article about a fictional tsunami.
It will help your child or student:
- Learn about what tsunamis are and how they are formed.
- Learn about the potential impact of tsunamis on coastal communities and infrastructure.
- Learn how to research a topic and gather information from reliable sources.
- Practice writing a news article with a clear and concise structure.
Classroom Resources
Simple steps to start:
- Research and find out more what tsunamis are and what causes them. Here's an interesting animated video about how tsunamis work:
Here's an interesting video showcasing a miniature laboratory simulation of a tsunami:
Here's a video of the impact of tsunamis on the communities and infrastructure of a few coastal towns in Japan:
- Get started on the printable worksheets!
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What's in the printable worksheet pack.
This printable activity pack consists of a creative printable worksheets for your students or children to write an interesting news article about a fictional tsunami. Here's what it consists of:
- 1 fictional newspaper article template with word prompts for news article writing.
Click on the download link below to get started. Please note that this printable pack is only for paid members.
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108 Tsunami Essay Topic Ideas & Examples
Inside This Article
Tsunamis are natural disasters that can have devastating impacts on coastal communities. They are often caused by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides, and can result in massive waves that can cause widespread destruction and loss of life.
If you are studying tsunamis or writing an essay on the topic, it can be helpful to have a list of potential essay topics to choose from. Here are 108 tsunami essay topic ideas and examples to help inspire your writing:
- The causes of tsunamis
- The effects of tsunamis on coastal communities
- Tsunami warning systems and their effectiveness
- The history of tsunamis and notable events
- How tsunamis are formed
- The role of climate change in increasing the frequency and intensity of tsunamis
- The psychological impact of tsunamis on survivors
- Tsunami preparedness and response strategies
- The economic impact of tsunamis on local economies
- How tsunamis are different from other natural disasters
- The impact of tsunamis on marine ecosystems
- Tsunamis in popular culture and media
- The role of technology in monitoring and predicting tsunamis
- The connection between tsunamis and earthquakes
- Tsunamis and their impact on tourism
- The role of international cooperation in responding to tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on infrastructure
- The role of education in preparing communities for tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on global climate patterns
- The cultural significance of tsunamis in different societies
- The role of NGOs and aid organizations in providing relief after a tsunami
- Tsunamis and their impact on food security
- The impact of tsunamis on water quality and sanitation
- Tsunamis and their impact on vulnerable populations
- The role of social media in spreading information during a tsunami
- The impact of tsunamis on mental health
- Tsunamis and their impact on wildlife
- The role of government policies in mitigating the impact of tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on renewable energy sources
- The connection between tsunamis and tsunamigenic volcanoes
- The impact of tsunamis on agriculture and food production
- Tsunamis and their impact on transportation systems
- The impact of tsunamis on coastal erosion
- Tsunamis and their impact on indigenous communities
- The connection between tsunamis and climate change adaptation
- The impact of tsunamis on fisheries and aquaculture
- Tsunamis and their impact on water resource management
- The role of early warning systems in reducing the impact of tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on cultural heritage sites
- The connection between tsunamis and tectonic plate movements
- The impact of tsunamis on the tourism industry
- Tsunamis and their impact on coastal biodiversity
- The role of education in raising awareness about tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on gender equality
- The connection between tsunamis and subduction zones
- The impact of tsunamis on urban planning and development
- Tsunamis and their impact on water scarcity
- The role of community-based organizations in responding to tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on waste management
- The connection between tsunamis and seismic activity
- The impact of tsunamis on public health
- Tsunamis and their impact on energy infrastructure
- The role of international aid in responding to tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on social cohesion
- The connection between tsunamis and tsunamigenic fault lines
- The impact of tsunamis on air quality
- Tsunamis and their impact on disaster risk reduction efforts
- The role of insurance in mitigating the impact of tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on emergency response systems
- The connection between tsunamis and underwater landslides
- The impact of tsunamis on renewable energy infrastructure
- Tsunamis and their impact on water pollution
- The role of community resilience in responding to tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on climate change adaptation strategies
- The connection between tsunamis and coastal erosion
- The impact of tsunamis on disaster preparedness efforts
- Tsunamis and their impact on coastal development
- The role of indigenous knowledge in responding to tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on informal settlements
- The connection between tsunamis and sea level rise
- The impact of tsunamis on healthcare systems
- Tsunamis and their impact on food systems
- The role of community engagement in responding to tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on climate change adaptation policies
- The connection between tsunamis and deforestation
- The impact of tsunamis on education systems
- Tsunamis and their impact on biodiversity conservation efforts
- The role of technology in improving early warning systems for tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on disaster recovery efforts
- The connection between tsunamis and coastal habitat destruction
- The impact of tsunamis on water resource availability
- Tsunamis and their impact on social inequality
- The role of community-based adaptation in responding to tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on climate change mitigation efforts
- The connection between tsunamis and ocean acidification
- The impact of tsunamis on ecosystem services
- Tsunamis and their impact on climate change resilience
- The role of gender mainstreaming in responding to tsunamis
- Tsunamis and their impact on renewable energy access
- The connection between tsunamis and coastal land loss
- The impact of tsunamis on water scarcity
- Tsunamis and their impact on global food security
These are just a few examples of the many possible essay topics related to tsunamis. Whether you are writing a research paper, a reflective essay, or a creative piece, there are plenty of angles from which to explore this important and impactful natural phenomenon. Happy writing!
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Tsunami - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas
A tsunami is a series of ocean waves with very long wavelengths caused by underwater disturbances such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides. Essays could discuss the geological processes that cause tsunamis, their impact on human communities and the environment, or the measures that can be taken to mitigate their risks and respond to their occurrence. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Tsunami you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.
Tsunami Impact Reduction Strategies
Massive waves traveling at unimaginable speeds bring destruction, offering a sobering reminder of nature’s raw power. These formidable forces of nature are known as tsunamis. The word "tsunami" originates from the Japanese term meaning "harbor wave," a fitting description given their devastating impact on coastal areas. However, when we think of tsunamis, the word "dangerous" often comes to mind. This essay seeks to explore the origins of tsunamis, understand their causes, and examine realistic strategies to mitigate their impact. Causes […]
The Boxing Day Tsunami
On "December 26, 2004" (emergency+disasters database) at exactly "7:59am" (Indian Ocean 2004) a nine point one magnitude underwater earthquake caused a Tsunami to hit Southern Asia, seven hours later. How did this happen? What is a tsunami? How bad was it? When swimming in the ocean the waves are around ten feet tall, imagine that times ten, can you even picture a one hundred foot wave, well neither could the people living in South Asia until there nightmares became a […]
How Dangerous are some Types of Natural Disasters?
If a serious disaster is imminent, immediate evacuation is the best course of action. Regardless of the advice some provide about waiting it out, nature is not something to gamble with. Each disaster has a straightforward response to minimize the need for survival tactics - evacuation. Meteorologists will usually alert those in danger zones through television, radio, etc. Even if the roads are congested, attempting to leave is better than staying put. The following tactics are secondary strategies if evacuation […]
We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.
Tsunamis: Understanding and Mitigation
Tsunamis are among the most formidable natural disasters, wreaking havoc in many parts of the world. These massive waves primarily affect countries located along the Pacific Ocean's "Ring of Fire," with Indonesia and Japan being particularly susceptible. The impact of tsunamis is devastating not only physically but also mentally for the affected populations. Each year, underwater earthquakes and volcanic eruptions give rise to several tsunamis. Although these events are catastrophic, their destructive power can be mitigated through strategic urban planning, […]
The Urgent Need for a Tsunami Preparedness Overhaul
IntroductionAbout a month ago, a catastrophic tsunami ravaged Palu, Indonesia, leaving devastation in its wake and highlighting critical deficiencies in the country's preparedness and response mechanisms. While rescue teams worked tirelessly to locate survivors, the inadequacy of Indonesia's tsunami warning system became glaringly apparent. As a nation situated within the volatile Ring of Fire, Indonesia must prioritize the modernization of its early warning systems and the construction of resilient shelters to safeguard its citizens. This essay discusses the urgent need […]
My Understanding of Tsunami Problem
I think that the scientist's invention the invisibility cloak will work. Here is my reasoning. How a tsunami happens is when an interruption in the ocean such as an earth quake or under water volcano make a big wave in the water and shift the earth making waves and the waves of a tsunami start small but get bigger as they go. It's like when in a bath tub if you do something to interrupt the waters silence there's tiny […]
Horror of Tsunami
On December 26, 2004, "an earthquake of magnitude 9.3 on the Richter scale" (U.X.L. 571) strikes in the Indian Ocean. A small ripple forms at the epicenter moving out rapidly at anywhere from five hundred to six hundred miles per hour. On the shores, people flocked to the beaches as the water receded back farther than usual at a pace unseen before this occurrence. Within a short time, the water was back, and much more with it, slamming the coast […]
How to Make a Tsunami Disappear
Here are some things I gathered on how to make a tsunami disappear. One thing I learned was you can't stop a tsunami no matter how big, small, or powerful it is. A bigger tsunami that hit was in Japan on March 11, 2011. But the biggest tsunami to ever happen started on December 26, 2004. It hit the island of sumatra, indonesia. Tsunami's strike at least ten times every year in the coastal regions. The first tsunami that hit […]
The Unexpected Fury of the 1929 Newfoundland Tsunami
Tsunamis are among the most formidable natural disasters that threaten our planet, often arising unexpectedly from the depths of the oceans. These colossal waves can traverse vast distances, wreaking havoc on coastal communities with little warning. While the Pacific Ocean is notorious for its frequent tsunamis due to its active seismic zones, other oceans are not immune to such destructive events. One striking example is the 1929 Newfoundland Tsunami, which caught the inhabitants of the Burin Peninsula by surprise. This […]
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- AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CCEA
- GCSE English Language
- Creative Writing
Grade 9- Tsunami and Beach Story
- Institution
Then I saw it. A blue wall of water, roaring towards the shoreline, malice in it's approach. My fears had came true. I breathed, "Tsunami....". Another essay which is composed of many language techniques and devices with complex use of language and punctuation. This essay is sure to boost your gra...
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- Uploaded on June 17, 2020
- File latest updated on June 17, 2020
- Number of pages 3
- Written in 2019/2020
- Professor(s) Unknown
- Grade Unknown
- english language
- creative writing
- Institution AQA, Edexcel, OCR, CCEA
- Education GCSE English Language
- Module Creative Writing
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Creative Writing- The Tsunami The tides came crashing through, eliminating everything that came in their way. We were like little ants scurrying around looking for our home, a shelter, anything that would protect us from the savage tide that wanted to wipe us off of the face of the earth.
Jan 20, 2015 · The tsunami wave crashed louder than the explosions in the quarry and the water washed in the town like it were no more substantial than an architect's scale model abandoned on the sands. It was the extinguishing of a dream, of a way of life, easier than wet fingers on a candle flame.
Just reading your description of a Tsunami scares me. It strikes fear in my heart. The images are frightening! That said, I think it makes a great backdrop for a disaster crime story. I would be overwhelmed to attempt writing about the event itself. I saw The Impossible and it was hard to watch! It was very well done and the special effects ...
Mar 9, 2023 · For today's prompt, feature a natural disaster. Your disaster could be an earthquake, hurricane, forest fire, tsunami, avalanche, sinkhole, mud slide, volcanic eruption, and/or whatever else you can think of. For instance, I didn't even mention tornadoes, blizzards, or stampeding penguins...until now. (How to Write Disaster Stories Infused With ...
Feb 8, 2024 · This printable activity pack consists of a creative printable worksheets for your students or children to write an interesting news article about a fictional tsunami. Here's what it consists of: 1 fictional newspaper article template with word prompts for news article writing. Click on the download link below to get started.
Jan 27, 2024 · If you are studying tsunamis or writing an essay on the topic, it can be helpful to have a list of potential essay topics to choose from. Here are 108 tsunami essay topic ideas and examples to help inspire your writing: The causes of tsunamis; The effects of tsunamis on coastal communities; Tsunami warning systems and their effectiveness
Describe tsunami : search results on Descriptionari Descriptionari is a place where students, educators and professional writers discover and share inspirational writing and amazing descriptions Descriptionar i
Jan 17, 2013 · It didn’t take long to figure out what was going on, a tsunami was on its way across the coast and guess who was in its direct path. The city Sendai and guess who lives there….your right me. After 20 minutes of driving up the road that leads into the mountain I turn around and I realize in that moment that everything I ever knew was about ...
A bigger tsunami that hit was in Japan on March 11, 2011. But the biggest tsunami to ever happen started on December 26, 2004. It hit the island of sumatra, indonesia. Tsunami's strike at least ten times every year in the coastal regions. The first tsunami that hit […]
Jun 17, 2020 · Writing on Murder - A Model Essay for Criminal Law Students Lana Law Books & Norma\'S Big Law Books Popular books for Medicine, Health and Social Sciences AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level R. Webb, H. Westergaard