Environmental Law Essay Examples and Topics

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Environmental Law and Its Crucial Points

The historical validity of serious consideration of environmental law’s place and role in the modern legal system is quite obvious. This is caused by a significant change in both the concept of environmental law and, at the same time, its place in the system of world law over the past decade. On the one hand, ideological validity lies in the sphere of a significant rethinking of the world’s environmental policy and ideology. On the other hand, it is also associated with the reformation of society’s environmental consciousness (Fisher, 2017). Environmental law’s meaning lies in the inseparable, logically, and scientifically grounded unity of legal regulation of all social relations regarding nature. An attempt to narrow the scope of environmental law to legal protection of the human environment is unscientific and futile.

Several multidirectional factors simultaneously influence the determination of the place of environmental law in the modern legal system. For example, this is the expanding involvement of natural resources in the range of objects of civil rights. It is caused by financial requirements and the requirements of the reforming legal system itself. Unfortunately, there are noticeable defects of a technical and legal nature, primarily in the terminological field. It can also be noted that there are some internal contradictions of environmental legislation and the diminution of the role of environmental law (Godden & Peel 2010). They can be met both in the scientific and in the educational, methodological spheres. The process of forming the terminological apparatus of environmental law is characterized today by many significant difficulties, contradictions, and errors. These include the absence of an internal system and development strategy (Bell et al., 2017). The lack of legal and substantial theoretical and ecological foundation is also a critical issue.

The modern behavior of people in the field of nature conservation and use can be characterized as reasonable pragmatism within the consumer concept of interaction between society and nature. This implies a decrease in interest in environmental issues as such. It can also be noted that the regulation of relations for the protection of nature is subordinate to the regulation of relations for its use. Thus, macroeconomic and socio-economic goals and objectives completely dominate environmental protection goals and objectives (Gunningham & Holley, 2016). Unfortunately, this often negatively affects nature’s conservation, since its problems are not given due attention.

The current needs and challenges from the essence of environmental law and nature lead to the conclusion that it is necessary to form a scientific and educational environmental law school. Such a school presupposes a specific conceptual basis, which helps form a circle of specialists and organize the corresponding scientific life and traditions. It is crucial to understand the need to publish books, hold conferences, and create an information field in the area of environmental law. This will allow scientists worldwide to look at environmental problems in the same way and solve them more effectively.

There are different ways to develop environmental law required to preserve nature. First, it is a radical modernization of the economic mechanism of nature management and environmental protection. At the same time, corresponding changes should be made to tax and budget legislation. It is also important that states have the necessary and sufficient powers in the environmental field. It is worth paying particular attention to the specification of environmental standards and their tightening as a stimulus for sustainable socio-economic development and improvement of ecological conditions (Bell et al., 2016). It is also vital to simplify and de-bureaucratize the execution of permits for users of natural resources. These steps will contribute to the development of environmental law and the preservation of the environment.

Bell, C., et al. (2016). Environmental law handbook. Bernan Press.

Bell, S., et al. (2017). Environmental law. Oxford University Press.

Fisher, E. (2017). Environmental law: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.

Godden, L., & Peel, J. (2010). Environmental law: Scientific, policy and regulatory dimensions. Oxford University Press.

Gunningham, N., & Holley, C. (2016). Next-generation environmental regulation: Law, regulation, and governance. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 12 , 273-293.

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Importance of Environmental Laws and Regulations

The significance of environmental laws and regulations cannot be overstated in our modern era, where the cumulative impact of human activities has increasingly threatened the natural world. These legal frameworks are crucial for addressing environmental degradation and pollution, spearheaded by governmental bodies that enact and oversee their implementation through designated agencies. This proactive approach involves both pollution control and natural resource conservation measures, reflecting a global commitment to environmental stewardship. The efficacy of these laws is evidenced by their positive outcomes, such as mitigated global warming, enhanced public health, and the preservation of biodiversity, underscoring the pivotal role of comprehensive environmental governance in securing a sustainable future  (Kubasek & Gary, 2008).

Environmental policies often pertain to the pollution of the air, water, soil. They also include laws pertaining to the global warming effect, poaching and depletion of natural resources such as oil, clean water and minerals, such as coal. The environmental laws have been divided into those that control pollution and those that are concerned with the conservation of the natural resources. Such policies continue to be enacted and implemented even as time goes. This is because of the efficiencies that such environmental laws have shown. All countries in the world have enacted such laws and they have worked for many years because people try as much as possible to oblige to them. There are many positive impacts that have come with the environmental laws. The impacts are both direct and indirect. One of the benefits is that there has been reduced global warming in the world. Before the enactment of regulations on the environment, industries were releasing harmful gases and fumes that caused the greenhouse effect. Due to the heavy penalties that come with the pollution of the environment, industries have been able to come up with ways of reducing the harmful gas emission into the environment. As a result, there has been reduced global warming on the earth (Kubasek & Gary, 2008).

Furthermore, the laws have a positive impact on the health of people and even animals. By controlling the pollution of air, soil and water, people have had very decreased exposure to diseases. Environmental conservation has greatly reduced the health hazards and thus, improved health. Another positive impact is that environmental laws have led to the provision of environment conducive for carrying out the works of life. Healthy and fresh environment is conducive and totally provides good and healthy environment for carrying out activities (Singh, 2006).

Wild animals also form part of the environment. There has been increased poaching but due to the enactment of the laws to protect wild animals from poachers, it has led to their conservation. Rare species that faced depletion because of poaching are now safe and remain well conserved. Moreover, environmental conservation has indirectly benefited a country in that the conservation of rare wild species has led to the tourists’ attraction, which is a source of income to the country. Last but not least, the enacted environmental laws have led to the protection of the ozone layer. It has had some indirect effect on the communities in that calamities, such as floods and drought that come with environmental pollution, have been reduced. This is of great benefit to the people as it improves their safety (Singh, 2006).

Not only is the government responsible for environmental conservation. People should abide by environmental policies not just because of the penalties and heavy duties that come with violation of those policies. Instead, everyone ought to make it their duty to protect the environment from any harm that tends to lead to its dilapidation.

Works cited

Kubasek, Nancy, and Silverman, Gary. Environmental law. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.

Sign, Y. K. Environmental science. New Delhi: New Age International (P) LTD. 2006. Print.


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  • Essay on Air

Essay On Environmental Law

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Air , Cleanliness , Pollution , Air Pollution , Government , Politics , Law , Environment

Words: 1100

Published: 03/31/2021


The federal programs concerning air pollution control is grounded in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. These are the series of amendments created to the Clean Air Act. This enactment changed and developed government legal power given by the 1963 and 1970 (Www2.epa.gov, 2015). Clean Air Acts. The Air Pollution Control Act of 1955 was the first government enactment including air contamination (Www2.epa.gov, 2015). This Act gave subsidies for government investigation in air pollution. The 1963 Clean Air Act was the first government enactment in regards to control of air pollution. It secured a government program in the Public Health Service to the United States approved exploration into systems for observing and monitoring air pollution (Www2.epa.gov, 2015). The Air Quality Act of 1967 was established to grow government undertakings (Www2.epa.gov, 2015).

Clean Air Act of 1970

The organization of the Clean Air Act of (1970 CAA) achieved a great change in the national government's part in air pollution control (Epa.gov, 2015). This order endorsed the progression of comprehensive government and state regulations to an area of restriction transmissions from both stationary sources as well as portable sources (Epa.gov, 2015). Four essential regulatory tasks affecting stationary sources were dispatched: the State Implementation Plans (SIPs), National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS, confirmed "abilities"), National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs), and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) (Epa.gov, 2015). Moreover, the application power was liberally extended. The gathering of this key authorization happened at generally the same time as the National Environmental Policy Act that developed the U.S. Characteristic Protection Agency (EPA). On December 2, 1970, the EPA was made with a particular final objective to realize the distinctive requirements included in these Acts (Epa.gov, 2015).

Other Clean Air Acts Amendments

Another set of major amendments to this environmental policy occurred in 1990 CAAA (Epa.gov, 2015). The CAAA expanded the obligation and power of the national government. New projects were given approval for control of corrosive testimony and for the issuance of stationary source working licenses (Epa.gov, 2015). The NESHAPs were fused into an enormously extended project for controlling harmful air poisons. The procurements for fulfillment and upkeep of NAAQS were considerably altered and extended (Epa.gov, 2015). Different alterations included procurements in regards to stratospheric ozone assurance, expanded authorization power, and extended examination programs.

Economic Impact of Clean Air Act

Over forty years of involvement with the Clean Air Act has demonstrated that America can assemble its economy and make occupations while slicing contamination to secure the wellbeing of our residents and our workforce. Somewhere around 1970 and 2011, total emanations of basic air contaminations dropped 68 percent, while the U.S. GDP grew 212 percent. Total private part occupations expanded by 88 percent amid the same period. One reason that ecological assurance and a solid economy can go as one is that the cash spent on decreasing contamination does not vanish. It goes to organizations that outline, assemble, introduce, keep up and work contamination lessening methods and hardware. The commitment of the toxin control industry to general U.S. financial movement and development must not be neglected. Natural expenses are a little rate of industry incomes. As indicated by 2005 information from U.S. producers, their aggregate contamination decrease spending spoke to under one percent of the $4.74 trillion estimation of the merchandise they shipped. The reduction expenses incorporate capital and working expenses for all contamination controls, not simply those identified with clean air. Air contamination control is in charge of not as much as 50% of these expenses. Standard scholastic financial exploration repudiates expansive cases that natural regulations are terrible for vocation. Albeit in the fleeting new ecological regulations can have some positive and negative effects on job in distinctive areas, studies show that those effects are constrained and that the general impact of natural regulations on reported occupation shift occasions are to a great degree minor contrasted with different elements, for example, general financial development, business cycles, and changes in innovation.

Is Global Warming a Credible Threat?

Remarkable climate impelled by environmental change has urgent general wellbeing results, as warmth waves debilitate the helpless, storm spillover overpowers city sewage frameworks and more blazing summer days prepare more contamination into asthma (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2015).. The United States, to say nothing of the created world, is caught off guard for such conditions anticipated by heap atmosphere models and right now being seen today, caution atmosphere scientists and general wellbeing authority (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2015). According to the American Physical Society, global warming is happening. If no move is made, notable disturbances in the Earth's physical and environmental frameworks, social frameworks, security and human safety are liable to happen.

What Clean Air Act Regulate or Encourage?

This policy must encourage corporate social responsibility by ensuring that business operations practice responsible use of resources and ethical application of practices (Bcairquality.ca, 2015). Cleaner air and proper disposal of trash should be reinforced. Factories must also limit discharge of chemicals and other harmful substances (Bcairquality.ca, 2015). The reasons, sources and effects of air quality issues are interconnected. Subsequently, tending to one air quality issue can frequently help to lessen different sorts of contamination.

Bcairquality.ca,. (2015). What We Can Do to Improve Air Quality. Retrieved 26 April 2015, from http://www.bcairquality.ca/101/improve-air-quality.html Epa.gov,. (2015). Clean Air Act and the Economy | Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act | Air and Radiation | US EPA. Retrieved 26 April 2015, from http://www.epa.gov/cleanairactbenefits/economy.html Epa.gov,. (2015). History | Clean Air Act | US EPA. Retrieved 26 April 2015, from http://www.epa.gov/air/caa/amendments.html Epa.gov,. (2015). Overview - The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 | Clean Air Act | US EPA. Retrieved 26 April 2015, from http://epa.gov/oar/caa/caaa_overview.html Union of Concerned Scientists,. (2015). Scientific Consensus on Global Warming. Retrieved 26 April 2015, from http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/science/scientific-consensus-on.html#.VT1-kdJViko Www2.epa.gov,. (2015).Summary of the Clean Air Act | Laws & Regulations | US EPA. Retrieved 26 April 2015, from http://www2.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-clean-air-act


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