How Long Should A Personal Statement Be: The Honest Truth
The appropriate length for a personal statement can vary between applications, but there are some golden rules to follow if you want yours to be successful. A brief statement is unlikely to include the relevant content an admissions tutor is looking for, whilst an overly long document is likely to alienate the reader. Both can lead to applications being rejected.
So exactly how long should a successful personal statement be?
A UCAS undergraduate personal statement must be under 4000 characters , which is around 630 words. Postgraduate statements should be around 800 words, as should most Statement of Purpose applications. Where no guidance is given, 800-1000 words (2 sides of A4) is an ideal length.
There is another approach to take when considering the most effective length for a personal statement, which does not focus on word or character count. Check out the detailed points below to better understand how to get your statement right…
Your Statement must Contain all the Required Material
Regardless of word count, your personal statement will be too short if it does not contain all the required material. When institutions or employers list topics or headings to be covered in your application, they expect you to write content to meet these demands, or to clarify why you may be unable to. They also expect the content to be written in the order in which it is requested. If you don’t do this, then even the longest personal statement is too short.
As you plan your personal statement, it is worth making a tick-list or table that outlines all the required material and then putting notes under each heading so that you know you have met each demand. As long as you include content from each section in your finished document, you can be confident that you have met the demands of the application.
Take a look at the example below. Can you identify each aspect of the required content? Could you write content for each heading, if this was your application?
Ensure you Include Suitability, Knowledge and Relevancy
Your personal statement is too short if you don’t include these elements, which I like to think of as my ABC’s…
A is for APTITUDE . Whether you are writing a personal statement for an academic course, or a suitability statement for an employment role, it is essential that you illustrate your aptitude. You may be clear in your mind about why you are a suitable candidate, but if you don’t commit evidence to paper, you won’t share that knowledge clearly with an admissions team or employer.
A suitability statement should outline your skills, experience and the reasons why an employer should hire you. Adele Weeks
Begin by analysing the specific skills and experiences that an institution or employer is looking for. These are almost always found within the course or job descriptions. Make a note of exactly how you meet every single criteria and show exactly how your abilities and qualifications match what they are looking for. Don’t just list these, but give examples of exactly why what you have to offer makes you the right fit. See my ‘show, don’t tell’ post here for some more details on exactly how to do this.
Once you have all the notes made, you can edit them down to ensure that they are concise. A great tool to use when you are cutting down your content is Grammarly. If you haven’t used it, Grammarly is a free browser add-on that not only helps you improve your spelling, punctuation and grammar, but also offers some excellent suggestions for developing your material. I recommend this software to lots of the clients I work with; it’s extremely useful for higher study too.
You can click the link below to find out more about how Grammarly can help you:
B is for BROADER KNOWLEDGE . If you have got to the end of your personal statement and you haven’t evidenced your broader knowledge, then it isn’t long enough. The term ‘broader knowledge’ relates to your wider level of detailed understanding in your field of study. Usually this takes the form of courses and lectures you may have attended, wider reading you have carried out and any other academic input outside the realm of your standard academic studies.
If you’d like to find out more about the most powerful personal statement strategies you can use to help you evidence your subject knowledge, check out my detailed post here .
C is for CONNECTION WITH THE SUBJECT . You need to ensure that you evidence your practical connections with your subject. Without this element, your application is definitely too short. You should focus on experiences that show your understanding of the realities of your field of study or ambitions such as internships, work experience placements, volunteering or mentoring opportunities you have taken up. You could even mention school trips or personal visits to areas of relevant interest.
An admissions team or employer wants to know that you have an informed and realistic understanding of the context in which you are about to study or work, and this is exactly how to give them that level of reassurance.
Convince the Reader that you have Something to Offer
Last of all, your personal statement is the wrong length if it does not illustrate your personality and unique value. You should not try to make your content abstract or chaotic in an effort to stand out. Instead, the way you write about your achievements and interests should communicate that you have the right attitude and approach for that course or role.
Your actions should stand out, not the way you write about them.
It can be difficult for many candidates to write about their positive qualities without feeling as though they are showing off, but it is essential that you use the word count available to you to convey your original thoughts and convince the reader that you have something to offer.
Why is this important?
No organisation wants to make an offer to a candidate that will not offer them something in return. Equally, no organisation will want to take a chance on a candidate that may not complete the course, might have trouble committing to the ethos or might struggle with the academic demands. If you can show the reader that you have already faced similar challenges, and had similar experiences, they will have the confidence to consider your application positively.
The Times Higher Education website has a great article all about how to write an original personal statement, and you can check out my blog on just how original a personal statement should be here .
Good luck with your personal statement, and don’t forget to contact me if you’d like some 1-1 support. You’ve got this! D
Research and content verified by Personal Statement Planet.
David Hallen
I've worked in the Further Education and University Admissions sector for nearly 20 years as a teacher, department head, Head of Sixth Form, UCAS Admissions Advisor, UK Centre Lead and freelance personal statement advisor, editor and writer. And now I'm here for you...
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How long should your personal statement be?
Wondering about the university personal statement word count? We go through it all here!
A well-written personal statement adds a lot of strength to an application and allows you to express your personality. It also gives you a chance to go into detail about your interest in studying your chosen course, rather than just demonstrating your eligibility to do so.
However, it’s vitally important to remember that you have a limited amount of space for your personal statement. Let’s take a look at how long your personal statement should be...
UCAS requirements state that your personal statement can be a maximum of 4,000 characters or up to 47 lines in length – whichever comes first. The character count includes spaces and the line count includes blank lines, so keep this in mind when it comes to how you format your paragraphs.
This might sound like a lot, but bear in mind that there are approximately 30 lines on one side of A4 paper in a standard size font, so your final submission will be around a page and a half of text. You’ll need to think carefully about what you want to include, keep it concise, make sure it flows well and has clear meaning throughout.
Having said this, don’t worry too much about the character count when you start writing. Be free to jot down anything and everything which comes to mind, and even list them in bullet-point form. You can then begin to adjust and re-order these points until a structure and narrative becomes clear.
You’ll probably have to cut a lot of stuff to keep your personal statement under the character limit. If you’re having trouble choosing what to remove, it can be helpful to ask yourself this question: “Is this really relevant to my personal statement?”
It’s better to have fewer, well-resolved points which flow together to paint a picture of who you are than lots of rushed points which sound like a jumbled list of achievements.
You’ll only know exactly how many lines your personal statement is when you paste it into UCAS. The UCAS character count might be slightly different from the one on your word processor, so be careful when you submit it, because any submission which exceeds the character or line limit will be cut off.
It’s a good idea to aim for 3,500 characters in your first draft, and then you can add or remove words accordingly. For the finished piece, try to get as near to the word count as possible – anything too short might not have enough detail, and anything too long will get cut off.
Need more personal statement advice? Check out our personal statement guide!
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UCAS Personal Statement Length Checker
Please note: The line count may differ than the number of lines in the textbox above but when copy and pasted will match the line count on the UCAS application.
UCAS Personal Statement Requirements
- No longer than 4000 characters.
- No longer than 47 lines.
- Each line can be no longer than 94 characters. (Our character counter above already has a max line length of 94 characters unless otherwise noted.)
- Characters include spaces, carriage returns, and punctuation.
To see additional features including word count, paragraph count, space count and more use the character counter on our home page.
How to write your UCAS personal statement
The UCAS personal statement scares most high school students. Writing a perfect personal statement is a strenuous and unavoidable process. With roughly about 6 million university applications each year, officials need a method for filtering stronger applicants from everyone else.
As challenging as this task may appear, it is also your only chance to share your personality and eligibility for the degree program you have chosen. Follow our practices given, and you can absolutely make your personal statement up to the mark.
Start with a plan
Each year thousands of applications are received for the best degrees in the world and are best focused on the goal of making their application stand out from the rest.
Thus, planning out what you want to say prior to writing your UCAS statement makes it easy to write a convincing personal statement. Start off by making a rough draft, answering some questions like
- What subjects do you want to study?
- Why have you particularly chosen this path for yourself?
- What makes you think that you are best suited to study this degree program at the college?
Some of these points will form the backbone of your personal statement, so write them in a manner that makes sense to you.
Sometimes you want to create simple bullet points or use mind maps. No matter what you decide; your goal is the same. You want to clarify why the university should provide you with a spot.
Bigger Picture of the Degree
Talk about the course that you have applied to. How did you learn about it in the first place? What means did you use to deepen your interest and knowledge in this area?
It would be a huge plus to list the books you read and the meetings you have attended regarding the subject.
Please elaborate on your academic attitude towards the degree. What are your goals after graduating? What role will it play in helping you achieve your greatest ambitions? What sort of vocation plans do you have after graduation?
Write about your work experience and achievements
Your previous achievements are an essential part of your personal statement. Think about all the accolades you have received and the contests you have participated in. These can be in-school, national or international. Both academic and sports awards can greatly help emphasize your commitment.
Write about the important skills and experiences acquired elsewhere (such as hobbies) that can be chained to the degree of your choice.
Remember, you are searching for experience that shows why you need to study the subject that you have chosen. You are not just writing an essay about what you are doing in your high school syllabus.
Extracurricular Activities
Your extracurriculars ought to likewise be included in the personal statement. Whether it be a MUN or a cross country race, they pass on the message that you love participating in different events.
Likewise, it is really smart to discuss any expertise you have acquired through extracurriculars.
Discuss any leadership roles you could have held, as they improve your capacity to appreciate people on a profound level and put you across as a pioneer.
Community service is a plus in the UCAS statement as it shows a promise to a reason bigger than oneself.
You can link all these activities to your selected course in the best case. Be careful not to elaborate too much on extracurricular activities.
UCAS Character Count
There are some specific instructions for your personal statement that you can never ignore.
First, it must not exceed 4,000 characters or 47 lines of text (including blank lines), whichever comes first. If you do exceed this, the university will not get your entire statement.
So make sure your personal statement has a solid and decisive ending. It will look bad if you cut it off in the middle of a sentence after realizing that you have exceeded the text limit.
Instead, give each section proper attention, time, and character to plan your essay thoroughly.
However, while you are getting everything rolling, you ought to overlook these restrictions.
Tips for reducing the character count
From the get-go, you simply need to jot down all that you feel is significant. You will probably wind up with something very lengthy, but that is okay.
This is where you get to do some polishing and trimming. Maintain the focal point of your piece on the course you are applying for, why you want to do it and for what reason you are impeccably fit for it.
Glance through what you have composed until now - do you have the right balance? Cut off whatever continues a little to far, as you want to keep each point crisp and concise.
It is a difficult process to try to keep as much content as possible while keeping the character count low, so here are some simple ways to make it easier for you.
Avoid quotes
Read your personal statement and eliminate platitudes if there are any - for instance, 'I've wanted to study psychology since I was young'…The same goes for the quotations: except if they increase the value of your statement (which they don't most of the time!), it is really the best practice to remove them.
Make sure everything is concise
For each sentence in your piece, use the "so what?" rule. Does this sentence appear to be more reasonable for the course? If not, cutting it is best. This frequently happens when individuals write too much about their extracurriculars in a frantic endeavour to fit everything in. For extra analysis, feel free to use our sentence counter to calculate the average length of your sentences.
Colleges, notwithstanding, need to see a reflection and what you have extracted from your encounters; this implies it is normally better to simply discuss a few extracurriculars than to list many things that the reader is likely to skim.
Also, note that you don't have to use hospital or volunteer location names. This further allows you to remove the last few characters from the count.
Use colour coding
An easy way to see where you are losing most of your characters is to highlight the sections of your statement with different colours.
Check your language
We frequently invest a great deal of energy looking up big words with the expectation that it will make our work impressive. However, this isn't generally the best practice. It is, in many cases, best to cut these words for fundamental and engaging sentences.
I hope the process will now be transparent, and it will be more exciting for you as you embark on your writing.
How to use our UCAS personal statement checker
To use our tool simply copy and paste your personal statement into the text-box above.
At the top, you will see two metrics displayed. The first metric on the left is the total characters you've typed out of the limit of 4,000 characters.
The second metric on the right is the number of lines your text contains out of the max of 47 lines. The UCAS allows a maximum of 94 characters per line, which our line count feature already takes into consideration.
To make it easier you can click the green "copy text" button to copy the text in the text box. You can also click the red "clear text" button to delete all the text in the text-box.
Why use an online UCAS personal statement checker?
Reason number one: The character count feature in Microsoft Word will not give you an accurate reading. The reason is that Word does not count the carriage return (also known as the enter key) as a character while UCAS does count it as a character.
The problem is that this will cause Word to underestimate the character count. This could cause your essay not to be able to submit when you try to upload it. If anything it would be better to overestimate the word count on Word that way it will fit.
Our personal statement checker however will give you the same character count as UCAS unlike the Microsoft Word character count.
It can be helpful to see the character count in real-time as you are typing your personal statement. This way you are constantly reminded of how long your essay is.
If you are not paying attention it can be easy to lose track of how long your essay is and go over the limit.
Our tool makes it easier to be aware of the length and easy to cut back if necessary.
How many characters in a personal statement?
UCAS requires 4,000 characters in their personal statement. Use our personal statement checker above to see if your essay meets the requirements.
How many words in a UCAS personal statement
UCAS has a character limit of 4,000 characters. This equates to about 615 to 800 words.
How many words is 4000 characters?
4,000 characters is about 615 to 800 words. For more Characters to Words conversions, check out our Characters To Words Converter .
Does the personal statement character limit include spaces?
Yes, it does include spaces as well as carriage returns. Check your statement with our personal statement checker above.
Thanks for using our UCAS personal statement checker!
We appreciate you taking the time to check your personal statement using our webpage. As you know, this is a very important college application essay to get into British universities. UCAS stands for Universities and Colleges Admissions Service and is what the UK uses for the college application process. Good luck on your personal statement!
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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, common app word limit for personal statement.
So, I'm working on my personal statement for the Common App and need some clarification. What's the max word count for my essay? Really don't want to go over! Thanks, guys!
The Common Application personal statement, also known as the main essay, has a word limit of 650 words. This word limit is strictly enforced, as the Common App platform will simply cut off any words past 650. So, it's important to make every word count and focus on telling a concise, compelling story while still showcasing your personality and experiences.
If your essay is over the word count and you're unsure where to make cuts, consider utilizing CollegeVine's Free Peer Essay Review Tool, or submitting your essay for a paid review by an expert college admissions advisor through CollegeVine's marketplace. Sometimes, a more objective set of eyes can give you a better sense of what's truly essential to your story.
Good luck with your personal statement!
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- The Ultimate UCAS Personal Statement Guide
Last Updated: 27th September 2024
Author: Rob Needleman
- Getting started
Table of Contents
When it comes to completing your UCAS application, the Personal Statement is one of the most important parts to consider.
While your grades show your academic ability and Admissions Tests assess your knowledge and capabilities, a Personal Statement is all about you. Tutors want to see the person behind the application and understand why you’re a suitable candidate for your chosen course.
Although each university will have its own unique way of shortlisting applicants, your Personal Statement is your opportunity to demonstrate your strengths and let your personality shine through.
However, over 20,000 students apply for Oxbridge every year which is a lot to compete with. As such, you need to stand out from the crowd and really get across your reasons for wanting to study your topic, which can make the prospect of writing one and including all the right things pressurising. To help you, we have written this ultimate Personal Statement guide. Let’s get started.
How to write a Personal Statement
Your Personal Statement isn’t a long monologue of your life so far, nor a gigantic list of all your achievements. Think of yourself as a storyteller. Start at the beginning with how you developed an interest for your chosen subject and end with where you see yourself after university.
Before You Start
How to get started.
Before you sit down to write your UCAS Personal Statement, the first thing we recommend is to research the courses you want to apply for. This will help you prepare your statement as courses vary from university to university, and your content should reflect these. Bear in mind, you are only able to send one Personal Statement to all your chosen universities, so you can’t overly cater to one. Look at all of the details, including the structure, modules and examination methods, as well as what they’re looking for from a student. This will support your first draft, though bear in mind you’ll redraft a few times before it’s perfect.
For example, Oxford lists the personal characteristics that they look for in applicants to their Medicine degree:
How many words should a Personal Statement be?
Personal Statements can be up to 4,000 characters long (615-800), and no more. This might sound like a lot, but it’s just one side of A4 paper. There’s plenty of information to include, so make sure it’s concise, clear and easy to read.
When to start writing it
It’s never too early to start thinking about your Personal Statement and what you’re going to write about. But there is a deadline : October 15th for all Oxbridge courses including Medicine and Dentistry, and January 25th for other undergraduate subjects. We suggest you begin preparing at the start of the year, as this gives you plenty of time to plan, draft and rewrite until it’s perfect for submission.
Your Personal Statement is the first thing Oxbridge Admissions Tutors will see about you. It’s imperative you get it right.
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What To Include
Your Personal Statement is a glimpse into your passion, how keen you are to learn and what you already know about your chosen subject. Express your interest by commenting on the areas that fascinate you most. For example, is it helping people that draws you into Medicine, or is it the fascinating human anatomy?
Another great way to show your enthusiasm is through your previous experience in the subject. Demonstrate why you’re suitable for the course by providing evidence of any relevant skills and qualities that relate to this. What are you good at? What have you done that proves it?
- Answering Your Personal Statement Questions
Mention any additional projects, work experience or extra-curricular activities you’ve got involved with that further demonstrate you’re an ideal candidate. Reflect on the skills you’ve gained from these (as long as they’re transferable to your studies). Admissions Tutors will be looking for such information, as well as your unique selling points — give examples of things you’ve done that show you have a wider interest in learning.
You should also try to link your interests, skills and qualities to your university research. However, Oxbridge are not interested in sports, hobbies or if you play any musical instruments — keep it academic.
Show you’re an interesting person and have a true passion for your subject, and your Personal Statement should be a winning one. Your enthusiasm is what will make your statement stand out, so don’t shy away from expressing your love for your chosen subject, though you don’t need to say you’ve dreamed about doing the course your entire life.
Aim to include things like:
- Personal attributes, such as adaptability, problem-solving and organisation
- Employment experience and volunteering work
- Personal interests in your subject
- Relevant extracurricular activities, like any clubs or societies you belong to
- Your future after university
The Structure
The key to writing a good UCAS Personal Statement is getting the structure right, as this can have a huge effect on the message it delivers. Often, students get caught up in the content and forget that presenting information effectively is just as important as the words included.
Each section of your statement needs to be crafted correctly so that Admissions Tutors can digest the information easily. While there are no strict rules on how to structure it — since it’s personal to you — there are a few rules of thumb to use to find the right balance. In general, though, remember to consider the format, structure and content equally, and you’ll write a great Personal Statement.
- Personal Statement Cheat Sheet
Here is a breakdown of how we recommend students to split up their essay:
- Introduction - About six lines
- Academic abilities - 22 - 27 lines
- Extra-curricular information - 10 - 12 lines
- Conclusion - No more than four lines
Personal Statement Introduction
Rightly or wrongly, it is highly likely that your UCAS Personal Statement will be remembered by its opening sentence. It must be something short, sharp, insightful, and catch the reader’s attention. It sets the precedent for the rest of your statement and unfortunately, decides whether your statement is paid particular attention to when read.
- Avoid using overused words like “passionate”, “deeply fascinating”, and “devotion”.
- Avoid using clichéd quotes like the infamous Coco Chanel’s “fashion is not something that exists in dresses only”.
- If you are going to use a quote, then put some effort into researching an obscure yet particularly powerful one – don’t forget to include a reference.
- Draw on your own personal experiences to produce something both original and eye-catching.
Once that’s out of the way, you need to answer the most important question:
The introduction does not need to be very long. It is generally a good idea to open the statement with something that sets the context of your application. For example, someone who is applying to study History may open: ‘History is all around us’, rather than ‘I have always been interested in History because…”
By the end of the introduction the reader should clearly know:
- What subject you are applying for
- What motivated you to apply for this subject
Make sure you keep it personal and honest! The exact phrase: “from a young age, I have always been interested in” was recently used more than 300 times in Personal Statements in a single year, and substituting “young” for “early” gave an additional 292 statements – these phrases can quickly become boring for Admissions Tutors to read!
Personal Statement Main Body
In the rest of your text, your aim should be to demonstrate your suitability for the course by exemplifying your knowledge of the course structure and its requirements through personal experience. Again, there are no rigorous guidelines on how to do this and it is very much down to your own writing style. Whereas some prefer a strict structure, others go for a more synoptic approach, but always remember to be consistent to achieve a flowing, easy to read Personal Statement.
Here’s the structure we recommend:
Paragraph #1: This should cover why you are suited for your subject. This will include your main academic interests, future ambitions (related to the chosen degree), and what makes the course right for you. This should be the academic side of why you want to study this subject.
Paragraph #2: This should still cover why you are suited for your subject. However, it can be less focused on academic topics. If you’ve had to overcome any significant challenges in life and wish to include these in your Personal Statement, this is normally the best place to do so. Similarly, any work experience or relevant prizes & competitions should be included here.
Paragraph #3: This is the smallest part of the main body and is all about extra-curricular activities. It is easy to get carried away in this section and make outrageous claims, e.g. claim to be a mountain climber if all you have ever climbed is a hill at the end of your street etc. Lying is not worth the risk, given that your interviewer may share the same hobby that you claim to be an expert in. So, don’t be caught out!
What you should include in your Personal Statement main body:
- Sports and other hobbies
- Musical instruments
- Work experience
- Personal interests in the field of study
- Personal attributes
What you shouldn’t include in your Personal Statement main body (or anywhere!):
- Negative connotations – always put a positive spin on everything
- Lack of reflection
- Controversy in whatever form it may come
- Generic/stereotypical statements
- Listing things
Personal Statement Conclusion
The conclusion of your Personal Statement should be more about leaving a good final impression rather than conferring any actual information. If you have something useful to say about your interest and desire to study your subject, you shouldn’t be waiting until the very end to say it!
A good conclusion should not include any new information, as this should be in the main body. However, you also need to avoid repeating what you have said earlier in your Personal Statement. This would be both a waste of characters and frustration for the tutor. Instead, it is better to put into context what you have already written and, therefore, make an effort to keep your conclusion relatively short – no more than four lines.
For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:
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1. Show passion for your subject
Admissions Tutors aren’t going to pick a candidate who doesn’t seem particularly interested in their field. Show your passion and eagerness to learn and succeed. Why do you love your subject? Why have you chosen it? What do you find most interesting and why?
2. Talk about you
This is your chance to talk about you, your interests and skills. It’s no good saying you’re passionate if you don’t prove that you are. Write in a natural style to show off your personality, making sure it’s genuine, relevant and specific.
3. Use appropriate language
Re-read your Personal Statement multiple times and check that the content is academic, engaging and clear.
4. Provide evidence to back up your claims
It’s all well and good saying you love medical science, but this is going to fall flat if you can’t back it up. Talk about your school subjects and results, any wider reading and relevant work experience. Perhaps you attended a lecture on your subject — this would be good evidence.
5. Link your activities outside of education to your course
Tell tutors why these activities are relevant and what you have learned as a result. Focus on transferable skills gained too, such as time management or organisational abilities.
6. Spell check and look for grammatical mistakes
Poor spelling and grammar makes for a terrible first impression, so ensure you triple-check it’s written to the highest standard before submitting it.
Access "The Big Book Of Oxbridge Applications" For FREE
There’s lots more to consider in the Oxbridge admissions process than just your Personal Statement, including the admissions tests, interviews and more, so claim your free digital copy of The Big Book Of Oxbridge Applications , now. In over 350 pages , you’ll find:
- Over 40 admissions test practice questions
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Our Personal Statement dont’s
1. Write a clichéd beginning
Don’t waste time thinking of a catchy opening. The best Personal Statements get to the point quickly, so avoid starting with phrases like “From a young age”, “I am applying for this course because”, and “Throughout my life I have always enjoyed…”. Go straight into why you are interested in your course subject.
2. Use cringe-worthy language and cheap gags
This is not impressive and can indicate that you’re not a serious student. It’s essential you don’t come across as verbose or pretentious too, as Admissions Tutors will spot this immediately. They are well-versed in the ramblings of students who think this tone makes them seem more intellectual.
3. Overcomplicate things
Say what you need to, be specific and don’t waffle too much — you’ll run out of characters fast.
4. Go overboard with extra-curricular activities
Talking about these is good, but the truth is, Admissions Tutors have very little interest in what you do outside of education unless you can find a way to directly link them to your subject.
5. Plagiarise content
You can read Personal Statement examples online for inspiration but avoid copying and pasting them. During your interview, you’re likely to be asked about specific parts of your statement, and if you’re caught off-guard, you’re going to look silly. This could ruin your chances of being accepted. Use a plagiarism detector to ensure your essay is unique.
6. Mention universities or specific courses by name
You can only write one Personal Statement, so it’s the same for each course you apply for. Avoid mentioning specific unis by name or detailing exact specifics of a module, for example. Keep it general.
Now you know what to include in your Personal Statement and the best practices for doing so, we hope you feel more confident writing it. We have plenty of guides and successful personal statement examples to go through in our Free Personal Statement Resources page. Good luck submitting your UCAS application!
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How Long Should a Personal Statement Be?
Reviewed by:
Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University
Reviewed: 4/23/24
Unsure about the length of your personal statement? Below, we’ll answer your questions about word count and what you could do to satisfy the requirements!
A common misconception is that achieving excellent grades and test scores alone can land you a spot in a high-ranking university. While academic performance is important in the admissions process, applicants must effectively tell schools who they are and what they hope to achieve once accepted.
And here’s where the personal statement comes in. Not to be confused with the statement of purpose , a personal statement accounts for your achievements, talents, interests, and goals. Needless to say, how your personal statement is written can give your application a major boost.
The length of a personal statement plays a significant role in its effectiveness. In this article, we’ll discuss the ideal length!
How Long Should Your Personal Statement Be?
You will usually submit a personal statement 2-3 pages long, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, using Times New Roman font in 12-pt font size. While there are no concrete length or formatting rules, generally, statements are between 500 to 650 words long and follow the above formatting guidelines.
Put simply, the length of your personal statement depends on the application service (or university, if you’re not applying through the Common or Coalition Applications ) you use! These are the personal statement word limits for each application:
To provide a more in-depth answer, your response should fall within close range of these suggestions without using unnecessary filler words or repeating ideas! Stay focused, keep concise, and know you do not have to meet the maximum word count!
If you’re applying to MIT , Georgetown , or any school in the UC system , you’ll apply using each school-specific portal. Keep in mind these schools don’t require personal statements; instead, you’ll write a handful of shorter essays (comparable to supplemental essays ) to highlight your candidacy.
How Long Should a Personal Statement Be If There is No Limit Specified?
The length of a personal statement depends on the application platform you use. However, in cases where there are no specific requirements given, you may need to decide for yourself. The bottom line is you need to ensure your personal statement achieves its purpose.
If no word limit is given, it’s still best to aim for around 500 – 650 words, which works out to about two to three pages double-spaced. This length gives you ample space to paint a well-rounded picture of your experiences, achievements, and qualifications without overwhelming the reader.
Regardless of the word count, aim for clarity and concision in your writing. Each word should work towards presenting a clear and compelling picture of who you are, leaving a lasting impression on the admissions committee.
How to Structure Your Personal Statement
Here's a breakdown of how to structure your personal statement:
Begin by clearly stating why you're interested in the course or position. Keep it concise and engaging to hook the reader from the start.
Academic Achievements
Spend the majority of your statement discussing your academic accomplishments—around 75%. Provide specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications for the course or position.
Extracurricular Activities
Dedicate about 25% of your statement to discussing your extracurricular activities. Highlight any relevant experiences outside of academics that showcase your skills and interests.
Wrap up your personal statement by summarizing why you're a strong candidate. Reinforce your enthusiasm for the opportunity and leave a memorable impression on the reader.
By following this straightforward structure, you can effectively organize your personal statement to highlight your strengths and suitability for the opportunity.
Tips to Write a Personal Statement With an Ideal Length
Need help with personal statement prep ? Here are key tips to help you write an effective, just-the-right-length personal statement.
Don’t Bluff or Fluff
It’s a common mistake when writing a personal statement to be tempted to present yourself as an “ideal candidate” to impress the admission committee.
However, it’s important to remember that there is no such thing. Each person is unique, and the admissions committee wants to see the real you. So, if you truly want to write an impressive personal statement, staying true to yourself is your best bet.
Don't make things up or exaggerate life events to make them appear more “spectacular.” The admission committee can easily see through false claims, which will only detract from your application. Instead, embrace your individuality and show them the steps you’ve taken to grow and learn.
Be confident in your own potential and what you have to offer. Your stories make you unique, so don’t be afraid to share them in your personal statement.
Stay Relevant
When writing your personal statement, it’s crucial to keep the content relevant and focused on the prompt you’re responding to. Avoid going off track and straying too far from your main topic —whatever it may be. This will help your personal statement length stay within the word limit.
Do Not Repeat Yourself
It’s important to ensure you’re not repeating information already found in other parts of your application.
For example, don’t talk about your GPA or test scores. To make the most use of the word count, focus on sharing information and experiences that can’t be found anywhere else, like passion projects you’re proud of or defining moments in your academic career or personal life.
Write With Purpose
Even if you have a 650-word limit for your personal statement, ensure each word counts and is carefully thought out! Start with an engaging hook to draw your readers in, follow it with concise and valuable personal insights, and end your essay with a bang to leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee!
Don’t Be Vague
When composing your personal statement, avoid ambiguity. Vagueness can lead to confusion. You’re applying to college for a reason! You should have some direction regarding your career aspirations and
Avoid simply rehashing all of the extracurriculars you participated in, listing your highest grades and the impressive awards you won along the way. Share what makes you, you! What inspires you? What are you passionate about? What do you hope to change or improve?
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Personal Statement
Writing a strong personal statement means going deep, being original, and staying true to yourself while avoiding common mistakes like skimming the surface and lacking enthusiasm. By keeping it simple, avoiding clichés, and showing what truly drives you, you can make your statement stand out.
- Shallow Coverage : Instead of skimming the surface of multiple topics, focus on a couple of key themes and explore them deeply.
- Lack of Originality : Make sure your personal statement offers unique insights or experiences that set you apart from other applicants.
- Not Showing Passion : Your personal statement should reflect your genuine interests and motivations, giving the reader insight into what drives you.
- Being Fake : Be yourself instead of trying to fit into some idealized image of what an applicant should be.
- Boring Openings : Get creative in your opening remarks, but avoid clichés or generic intros that could apply to anyone.
- Ignoring School Details : Address what specifically interests you about the school you're applying to, showing you've done your research.
- Focusing on Negatives : Emphasize your strengths and positive experiences rather than dwelling on weaknesses. If needed, explain any shortcomings separately.
- Describing Without Reflection : Don't just list experiences; explain their significance and what you've learned from them.
- Poor Editing : Make sure to thoroughly proofread your personal statement for errors in grammar, punctuation, and style.
- Repetition and Generic Content : Don't submit the same generic personal statement for every application, and avoid repeating what's already in your application.
- Being Overbearing : Express your opinions, but don't come across as overbearing or extreme.
- Money Talk : Avoid mentioning financial reasons for pursuing your studies.
- Complaining Without Context : If discussing injustices, provide context and explain how they motivate your goals.
- Flattery or Bragging : Don't lay it on too thick with praise for the school or with self-promotion.
- Using Boring Clichés : Steer clear of tired clichés in your intro or conclusion.
- Gimmicky Formats: Stick to a straightforward format; don't get overly creative just for the sake of it.
- Unnecessary Extras : Only include additional materials if the school specifically asks for them.
- Getting the School Name Wrong : Double-check to make sure you're addressing the right school.
- Technical Jargon : Keep your language clear and simple; don't use overly technical terms or obscure vocabulary.
By avoiding these pitfalls, your personal statement will be clearer, more engaging, and more effective in showcasing your strengths and motivations.
Access over 55 free college personal statement examples in our database! From undergrad to scholarships, find inspiration and guidance for your own statement. Start crafting your standout application today.
3 Examples of Personal Statements That Worked
Let's see how these tips and tricks come together and review a few examples of successful personal statements:
“In the summer of [YEAR], my sister was graduating college. My family and I drove to [CITY] to give our unconditional love and support and to celebrate. We ate dinner at a beautiful restaurant together and shared an amazing cake the day before. Unfortunately, it became the most tumultuous time in my life.
The 8 hour drive back was brutal on my workaholic dad; he neglected his health to keep a bright future for me and my sister. A few days after coming home, my dad went to the doctor with aggravating chest pain.
Soon after, the doctor dropped the news: my dad suffered a heart attack. I was [AGE], the youngest in my family, and refused to believe that my dad’s life could be cut short. Around this time, I was irresponsible and jaded; uncomfortable being empathetic, and always wishing problems to go away.
The news weighed heavily on my shoulders. As I studied my dad’s condition, I soon realized and understood the great lengths he had worked to provide me a better future. Ultimately, I knew I had to change to be better for myself and for my dad.
Post procedures, my dad returned home. Consequently, I was more empathetic, open to being vulnerable, and affectionate towards family which I had previously been too afraid to express. I would regularly hug my family members, didn’t hesitate to speak up if I was feeling scared or frustrated, listened to my dad more attentively, and I smiled more. Over the summer, I took care of my dad: I paid attention to his sodium intake, made sure he drank enough water, started doing his laundry, and slept in his room in case anything happened. There was nothing else that mattered more to me.
I’m proud to say I can be vulnerable and act on my insecurities. I became an amicable, self-aware, and social person gaining respect and friendship amongst teachers and peers. Throughout college, I make sure to spend time with my family by cooking dinner for them once a week, sending them silly texts of cute animals, or just giving them a call. My transition to becoming more open has ultimately led to my career path as an [JOB TITLE] - creating better lives for marginalized communities. Understanding what other people go through and being susceptible will allow me to properly achieve my goals and assist those in need.
It’s [YEAR], and my dad is in the best shape of his life. I show my gratitude by accompanying him during his checkups and scolding him for trying to eat poorly.”
Why It Works
Here’s what this personal statement does well:
- Engaging narrative : The essay begins with a relatable and engaging story that immediately catches the reader's attention. The use of a significant life event creates an emotional connection and sets the tone for personal growth.
- Character development : There is a clear arc of personal development. The writer admits to being irresponsible at first but experiences a transformative journey towards empathy, vulnerability, and greater appreciation for family.
- Relevance to career goals : The essay effectively connects the personal story to the writer's aspirations and career goals.
- Word count : At only 429 words, this essay still gets a strong and impactful message across, attesting to this students’ ability to stay concise and use their words wisely!
Overall, this personal statement stands out due to its emotional resonance, clear development of character and meaningful reflection!
“Short, delicate strokes of paint, form a story of a beautiful soul to be displayed on a canvas. All the unexpected, yet perfect details add character and life to the figure, drawing viewers closer and enveloping them in a tale of curiosity, hardship, and triumph. Just as the work of the mighty painter ever progresses, so too does the painter. Neither the depicted young female nor the painter is yet to finish her transformation to a woman. Every stroke a new day, every color a new era, to create the masterpiece that is life and experience: my life and my experience. The eyes, white spheres with green splashes that have seen both too much pain and too little of the world. They harness a piece of the spirit of the forever curious girl who hopes to change the world. The girl who grew up admiring the world’s brightest engineers and most talented artists, hoping to one day grow into one of these awe- invoking figures. Thinking, perhaps, she too could be a name in a history book because of the good she created. Whether that means protesting for [CAUSE], supporting efforts to protect the [CAUSE], or helping [PEOPLE] in need, she will do what it takes to help others and make a meaningful impact. With these big dreams, she also has scars as the girl who has been hurt many times before. Each event leaving a mark in creation of who she would one day become. Although the scars hurt in the beginning, she would not be the same without them. A large strike along her throat, from when she was shut down. A horrendous mark about the chest in an attempt to destroy her heart. Bruising and scrapes among her abdomen, from the gut wrenching events that took away those she loved. And, an abundance of carvings across her back, from events that hurt her most. To the viewer, the marks are invisible; through her candid disposition, no one can observe the pain she has endured. But, in asking her how she feels about the scars, she would not reference them as disfigurations, rather they are enchanting, incredible, and reveal her maturation and strength. She treasures them because they prove her resilience and conquest. Her hair, wild and seemingly untamed to others, but to her a masterpiece. Years and years of worrying about perfection. Is it straight? Is it smooth enough? Only to realize her authentic, curly hair is a part of her own beauty and uniqueness, similar to the chaotic perfection of a Jackson Pollock. Growing up she molded herself to what she believed others thought she should be, without giving a single thought to what she truly can and should be: herself. To her, her hair symbolizes and brings forth the ferocious lion inside her comparatively small self.
The girl’s lips are half sutured. As she works to rip out the heavy stitchwork, she finds her voice. To her surprise, although the voice remains developing, her words and ideas already begin to inspire individuals to be themselves. She will forever use her voice for good, however subtle it may be. As the painting is finished, there will be no trace of the once-conforming thoughts that held her back. One day, everyone will hear her, loud and clear.
Unlike the painting, however, the story of my beautiful, bewitching, bold soul continues to be unfinished. For I have the power to paint, ponder, and develop my story, despite what unexpected details life may put in my way. I have the power to paint my adventure, to keep placing those short, delicate strokes, to develop my character and champion my story.”
Let’s review this essays’ most impressive features:
- Creative metaphor : The student uses a creative metaphor of painting to symbolize their growth and journey.
- Vivid imagery : The writer's use of descriptive language paints a vivid picture, both of the physical image of a painting and their emotions to engage the reader and help them feel more connected to the narrative.
- Consistency and unity : By maintaining a consistent theme and narrative thread from beginning to end, the student creates a cohesive and well-structured essay.
- Word count : The essay effectively stays within the recommended word count (at 611 words) without being repetitive or veering off topic. While it is a longer essay it does not include repetitive information or unnecessary language.
This is a captivating essay from beginning to end, and should inspire you to think outside of the box and get creative with your own personal statement!
“Standing on the volleyball court in April of my junior year, I look at my teammates before what could be the final serve. This game will determine whether my team receives a bid to Junior Nationals, the highest-level competition for a junior volleyball player. As our fans in the arena cheer us on, I feel the pressure, but I’m feeling joyous just to be part of the team.
The experiences leading to this moment were not all positive. My initial years of volleyball were difficult. I was placed on a team with a group of seemingly very motivated girls, however, I struggled with my teammates constantly criticizing each other, their only goal to look good individually to the coach. I was terrified of making a mistake and having my self-esteem crushed by manipulative teammates looking for someone to blame for another loss. I realized I did not thrive in this combative environment and if I wanted to become a strong and confident player, I would have to make a change. I gathered the courage to try out for one of the most accomplished teams in northern [STATE]. I was offered the final spot on this team and worked as hard as I could to succeed. The new team’s atmosphere of support and positivity, where no one is afraid to fail, allows experimentation with new techniques which improved my game to the point where I was given a starter position. As my new mindset and leadership were recognized, I was presented with the opportunity to be a captain by the second season. As team captain, I learned to be aware of what my teammates were experiencing and what their different needs were. I felt personal responsibility to keep the team optimistic even in the backdrop of COVID. I emphasized positivity and encouraged these girls to be successful by both helping and relying upon each other. I led by having fun.
This experience of positivity spilled over into other parts of my life. I now try to be a positive, supportive person at all times. I use my voice to create results instead of shying away from uncomfortable situations. I applied my new skills as a coach and mentor for new volleyball players who had the goal of making the high school volleyball team. I emphasized positivity and encouraged these girls to rely upon each other. Their attitude, talent, and hard work paid off and they all made the junior varsity team, something I’m very proud of. In addition, my positive attitude contributed to my confidence on the court which made me a much stronger player, and I was named All League in the [LOCAL] Conference.
The ref blows his whistle and signals the ball can now be served. The chemistry, spirit, and faith my team has in each other permit a perfect execution of the play and give us the final point we need to qualify for the spot at Nationals. What a journey it has been.”
Here’s why this essay works:
- Compelling introduction : The essay begins by placing the reader in a high-stakes moment on the volleyball court which draws the reader into the narrative.
- Specific examples : The student provides concrete examples of their actions, such as trying out for a different team, becoming a captain, and coaching new players. These examples illustrate the writer's progress and impact.
- Connection to personal values : The writer's values of positivity, teamwork, and leadership are consistently woven throughout the essay.
- Impactful ending : The essay concludes by bringing the narrative full circle, returning to the opening scene and revealing the positive outcome to leave a strong impression on the reader.
- Word count : This is another relatively short but sweet essay (492 words) that gets straight to the point, satisfies the reader nonetheless, and stays concise!
To recap, all of these personal statement examples were engaging, insightful, and reflective! Implementing these qualities into your own essay will undoubtedly elevate it!
If you’re looking for more sample essays to spark your imagination, check out our database with tons of example admission essays !
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Final Thoughts
So, how long should a personal statement be? That depends on the application portal you choose. Remember, your personal statement is all about you. It’s your chance to shine and let yourself be known to admission committees as an aspiring applicant. Happy writing!
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Feb 16, 2022 · How Long Should a Personal Statement Be? Fortunately, colleges and application systems usually give you specific personal statement word counts. The Common Application and Coalition Application, which are the most prevalent applications, will give you a word count of 650 words for your main personal statement, but will usually give a smaller ...
Remember, it can only be 4,000 characters, which is about two sides of A4. So, you’ll need to use your words wisely to fit everything in. You can find a full guide on How to start a personal statement: the attention grabber, but here are the main things to think about. Don’t overthink the opening.
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So exactly how long should a successful personal statement be? A UCAS undergraduate personal statement must be under 4000 characters, which is around 630 words. Postgraduate statements should be around 800 words, as should most Statement of Purpose applications.
UCAS requirements state that your personal statement can be a maximum of 4,000 characters or up to 47 lines in length – whichever comes first. The character count includes spaces and the line count includes blank lines, so keep this in mind when it comes to how you format your paragraphs.
How many characters in a personal statement? UCAS requires 4,000 characters in their personal statement. Use our personal statement checker above to see if your essay meets the requirements.
The Common Application personal statement, also known as the main essay, has a word limit of 650 words. This word limit is strictly enforced, as the Common App platform will simply cut off any words past 650.
Sep 27, 2024 · How many words should a Personal Statement be? Personal Statements can be up to 4,000 characters long (615-800), and no more. This might sound like a lot, but it’s just one side of A4 paper. There’s plenty of information to include, so make sure it’s concise, clear and easy to read.
Jul 16, 2024 · Put simply, the length of your personal statement depends on the application service (or university, if you’re not applying through the Common or Coalition Applications) you use! These are the personal statement word limits for each application: